Welcome to the Supported Lodgings National Network

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About us

The Network is a collection of local authorities and organisations who provide supported lodgings schemes across England. By working together, the Network aims to strengthen the quality and use of supported lodgings provision across the country by sharing best practice, facilitating connections and collaborative working, and providing a forum for innovation to emerge.

Supported Lodgings explainer

What is supported lodgings?

Supported lodgings is a provision for young people aged 16 and over whereby they live in the home of a ‘host’ family or individual. These young people are usually in the care system or are unable to remain living with their birth family for a variety of reasons. For more information, click the links below.

Watch the explainer video

Who is the Network for?

The Network is for local authority representatives – both those who operate a supported lodgings scheme and those who do not do so currently – and representatives of registered organisations who operate supported lodgings on behalf of a local authority.

At present, the Network is open only to local authorities and providers operating supported lodgings schemes in England.

The next meeting of the Network will be on Wednesday 17 July 2024, 12-1.30pm over zoom.

Want to become a member?

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Who runs the Network?

The Network is facilitated by Home for Good, a UK charity with a vision to find a home for every child who needs one.

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